Blue Star Ripening Cold Room is designed bottom up, to maintain the precise conditions required by each specific application. Factors such as humidity, temperature, ventilation and specific gas emission levels within each ripening chamber are tuned to optimum levels, in each chamber design, based on requirements at each facility.
Safe: 5% Ethylene-95% Nitrogen mix generated
Flexible system: Single system can feed multiple ripening chambers
Blue Star Pre Cooling Chamber is designed to help remove heat from the produce when it is harvested, and reduces the fruit’s respiration rate while increasing the storage life. The Pre Cooling Chambers can be setup near the harvest site to ensure the freshness of the fruits and vegetables is retained and kept intact.
Temperature :+30 to +10 Degree C Voltage :220 – 340 V Power :3- 15 kW Frequency :50 Hz
Tags:Blue Star, Cold Room, Cold Storage, Pre Cooling Chamber, Fruits Pre Cooling, Vegetables Pre Cooling, Ripening Chamber, Banana Ripening, Fruits Ripening